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Prisma > English version.


Innovation, Society and Environment

Prisma is an ongoing effort focused on education for socio-environmental innovation. Its long-term goal is building critical mass to implement sustainable alternatives for local development in and around Ubatuba, Brazil. In order to accomplish that, Prisma will create educational initiatives aimed at talented youngsters, self-taught inventors and grassroots innovators.

The first experiment is developing the syllabus and contents of a prototype of course on socio-environmental innovation (CISA) that will be offered in the form of online contents and face-to-face meetings to a test group of young talents in Ubatuba during six months.

Help us quickstart Prisma

Prisma is so far a self-funded project developed by UbaLab. We could use your help, in one or more of the following:

  • Financial support to help us shape CISA and other projects;
  • Send feedback on our plans, point Prisma to interesting people or organisations, or suggest relevant references or partnerships (emailing us at contato AT ubalab DOT org).